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NJ Musings (was -RE>Test Me
Poster: "Lynn Pawelka" <lynn_pawelka@server.hort.ncsu.edu>
NJ Musings (was -RE>Test Message - Please 8/9/96
Edward - I haven't been back to my hometown since I left NJ in 1980, although
I did visit my ex's parents for the last time in, oh, '87 or '88, maybe. They
live in Waldwick (Paramus area), and had a house near Mantoloking.
I grew up in Fanwood (where?), between Westfield and Plainfield; about 20
miles S(?) of Elizabeth. We moved there from Morris Township when I was 4. I
used to spend a lot of time tromping around in the woods of the Watchung
Reservation as a kid, and spent some time exploring the Great Swamp Wildlife
Refuge when I got older (and could drive there).
> [...] Oh, how I feel for those poor
> souls who've only seen the 'runoff' from New York or Philadelphia. They
> called Jersey the Garden State for a reason.
<smile> My standard response to people who wrinkle up their noses at the
mention of New Jersey is, "They didn't call it the Garden State as a joke."
Of course, one rarely sees the best features of any state from the freeway.
Lynn (Celynnen is from Wales, and is confused by the name New Jersey.)
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