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Re: Pennsic Moments

Poster: "Sharon Henderson" <sharon@intercon.com>

> "Upon eastern bodies we'll prove ourselves now
> the midrealm will ask us and we'll show them how 
> the eastrealm remembers Atlantia's might 
> now in their face but once on their right" 
> Fight in the war, fight in the war.. we'll all go to Pennsic and fight 
> in the war... 

Is this a song??  I'd love to know where I might hear it in its full rendition 

A gentle I met at one of the Penna. Tpk. rest areas on the way home proudly 
told me, "as Atlantia goes, so goes the War!"  Made me smile every time I 
looked out my rearview.... I can see my Kingdom sticker whenever I do that!


Parochial and proud,

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