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Birth Announcement

Poster: Mark Schuldenfrei <schuldy@abel.MATH.HARVARD.EDU>

Got this off some private email, from a former Carolingian and Atlantian.

Way To Go, Caroline!  I guess not going to Pennsic was clever, after all.


Forwarded message:
  Date: Thu, 22 Aug 1996 11:39:30 -0500
  From: CLSMIT@ccmail.monsanto.com
  Subject: Birth Announcement
       Let it be known that a Lady Caroline Forbes of Oxfordshire (Carol
       Smith) and her Lord Husband, Ricardo de la Rioja (Rich Moore), have
       been blessed with the birth of their daughter, Caroline Elizabeth
       Moore. She was born on Monday, 19 August 1996 at 12:24 pm. The baby
       was 7 pounds, 9 ounces and 20.5 inches long.
       Mother, baby, and dad are doing well and are now home.
       Please pass this news on to others who may wish to learn of it.
       Ever in service (now in new and exciting ways),
       Caroline (the mother)
       (No longer just this chick from Atlantia, she's a mom, too!)
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