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Re: Pennsic Moments

Poster: Dexter Guptill <dguptil@erols.com>

>Poster: Corun MacAnndra <corun@access.digex.net>
>Meli wrote:
>>I managed (finally!) to get to Pennsic for the final weekend, & for me the 
>>best parts (of what I saw) were watching my dear friends, Ivan & Rowan, get 
>>their AoA's -- immediately followed by the wonderful ceremony where our
>>was knighted.  What a beautiful, moving thing it was, too!  I cried all the 
>>way through it, starting when that gentle with the nice voice began 
>>singing....  :-)
>That gentle was, I believe, Sir William the Stout. But whether I am right or
Lord William, Earl Marshall of Atlantia.
>There was also another knighting that took place at Atlantian Court
>Wednesday evening. Adenwald the Hazardous, Thane of Dun Carraig was made a

>In service,

Let us not forget Sir Johann Coldiron, lately squire of Jarl Sir Thorbrandr,
knighted this war also.
***Dexter C. Guptill, Computer Services, American Federation of Teachers
***Member, 49th VA Vol. Inf, CSA (N-SSA), Hampden's Regiment of Foote (ECW)
***SCA: Ld. Erich von Kleinfeld, Stierbach, Atlantia
***DISCLAIMER: This is me, not AFT. They'd freak over some of my opinions :)

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