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How Tirant Explained his Mission to King Escariano
Poster: edh@ascc01.ascc.lucent.com
[Tirant asks the King of Tlemcen to send him as an emissary
to the camp of King Escariano of Ethiopia, who is invading
Tlemcen. (Tirant wants a chance to size up the enemy).]
Tirant collected a large retinue and went to King Escariano,
before whom he boldly explained his mission in words of this
"Do not be surprised that we fail to honor you, as you are our
greatest enemy and no man need flatter his foe. I come from the
King of Tlemcen, who, having heard your wisdom praised, is
amazed that so magnanimous a prince should embrace tyranny.
If you examine your motives, you will see that you have behaved
disgracefully, soiling your escutcheon with eternal shame and
infamy. Who can call you upright? All men hold you wicked
and greedy, since without cause, faith or reason you seek to
dispossess another. You have no right, nor does any law compel
you, and if you or any of your knights denies the truth of my
words, I shall joust with him in single combat until on of us is
killed or bested. Do not think the king sent me because he fears
you or your armies, for I promise your deeds shall receive their
just rebuke. My lord is well prepared, and with God's help he
will triumph, while your invasion will prove to be the cause of
your undoing. My king only wishes to know why you have
come, that it may be written down as an example of presumption."
* The OED meseems to say that the word "diplomacy" was coined
in the 18th century. But didn't they at least have the concept
in the Period?
* Did Ethiopia really border on the Kingdom of Tlemcen?
* Com is que, sense escriure cap altra obra liter`ria, Joanot Martorell
fou capag de fer la novel.la mis important del seu segle?
-- Alfredo
Alfredo el Bufon
Elvegast, Windmaster's Hill, Atlantia
We're Capulets,
Capulets all the way,
>From our first cigarette
To our last dying day.
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