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Coronation of Logan and Arielle - October 5, 1996

Poster: TamsinBark@aol.com

Good gentles of the Merry Rose, Tamsin Barker sends greetings--

I have posted this on the list hoping to get some responses.

We are hoping to have a merchant area at Coronation - any interested
merchants please contact Gwynwilf (Beth Roberts) at 704/588-8659.  

Live action artisans are also needed for the bazaar area - please contact the
Autocrat, Tamsin Barker 803 328-2735 or via email if you are interested.

If anyone knows the whereabouts of Broc the Magic Badger - please excuse the
spelling if incorrect - please have him contact the autocrat.  He has been
recommended by Earl Syr Kane and I would like to see if he is available for
this weekend.

Thanks to all - I hope to see many of you there!

In Service,

Tamsin Barker
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