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Good Gentles wanting to find

Poster: James Jones <dunstan@vs1.invsn.com>

Greetings.  I posted this some weeks ago, and since I was not subscribed to
the mailing list, no information was forthcoming.  So if you will indulge
me, I still seek the gentles in question.  My email address is :

>    I would ask to be granted a boon.  I am searching for some dear
friends, formerly members of the Barony of the Far West, and at last
mention, they lived in your fair Kingdom.  But alas, it seems that they have
moved w/o leaving a forwarding # or address.  The Gentles that I seek:
>   Baron Sir Havork Kinslayer, KSCA/West.... (ask him about the trials w/ Jade)
>   Baron Ian McChatain (or MacChattan), and his fair wife
>   Baroness Gwendolyn nic Gille-Chattain.... (ask her about duct tape and
green tea ice cream!  when needing caryout....)
>    Any help that can be given, even if only a report on how any of them
are doing, is most heartily appreciated.
>    Yours in the Society,
>    Dunstan the True
>      Dp.Sable Swan Herald, pr. Cynagua/West

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