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Barony of the Sacred Stone Baronial Curia Info

Poster: Gregory Stapleton <gregsta@MICROSOFT.com>

Greetings to all those good Gentles who read this missive and especially
to those who reside within the bounds of the Barony of the Sacred Stone.

Baronness Rachel de Johnstone has asked me to make it known to All that
a Baronial Curia for Sacred Stone will be held at Baronial Birthday.
The Curia will take place on Sunday, September 8th at 10:00 A.M..

>Yours in Service,
>Lord Gawain Kilgore
>MKA Gregory Stapleton
>Chronicler for the Barony of the Sacred Stone
>Kingdom of Atlantia
>kilgore@vnet.net / gregsta@microsoft.com
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