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Re: Query re: A&S/heraldry comp at Pointless
Poster: Mark Schuldenfrei <schuldy@abel.MATH.HARVARD.EDU>
Neried herald wrote:
Displaying unregistered armory in the SCA is definitely frowned upon. For an
example of why, imagine the situation I witnessed at Pennsic. Set up across
from our camp was an enormous banner, displaying a quite handsome device.
However, it was quickly recognized as being registered to a peer of the East
Kingdom (I think) and brought to the attention of the members of that
encampment. Requests that they cease and desist use of someone else's arms
were ignored and the banner flew throughout the event. This brought great
distress to the registered owner and his companions, but little could be
done, short of calling upon their Crown to correct the behaviour.
On the other hand, this sort of problem was period, and was resolved in period,
in period ways. We could do the same. Sometimes, the problem was considered
no problem at all.
The "distress" here was caused by the Society mis-educating the various people
involved. Armory was not unique in period, and was not expected to be, except
within very small jurisdictions.
There is no one in the Society with the rights to tell you what arms to bear,
or not to bear. Only social pressures: not that those are inconsiderable.
Granted, I bring this forth kind of secondhand, but the lesson is clear.
When you display unregistered armory, you risk using something that someone
else has gone to the trouble to register as their own. It is basically the
same idea as using someone else's social security number or identity in the
real world. Both are hurtful and unworthy of a courteous society.
Another example of teaching modern Societal falsehoods over period truths.
Tibor (Vert a delf or)
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