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Re: MR-Disc: Standards and Practices

Poster: Mark Schuldenfrei <schuldy@abel.MATH.HARVARD.EDU>

  I have consulted "A Dictionary of Heraldry" (by Stephen Friar, Director
  of The Society of Heraldic Arts) and found that I was half right.
  There were indeed period flags that indicated allegience by using the
  national device in the hoist (the part of the flag nearest the staff).
  However, this flag was the Standard, not the Banner.  I didn't realize
  the distinction before.

According to "Heraldic Display", 1989, Kim Ann Innes, the various types are

Gonfannon, a rectangular flag hanging from a horizontal pole, which is what
most people in the Society call a banner.  Usually the ends have points or
decorations on them.   [My dictionary uses the term gonfalon --- Tibor.]

Ensign or Ancient, a flag style of gonfannon, slightly narrow or even
tapering, with points on the end.  The long axis is perpendicular to the
staff.  The ends are decorated with points.

Banners, with are generally rectangular, with the long axis parallel to the
staff, no end decorations, and which carry only arms.

Schwenkel or Cola or Punta, which is an addition to a banner of a long tail
from the top most corner of the fly.

Standard which is a long and tapering flag with decorated ends, divided into
differing compartments, and whose various portions show varying honors,
allegiances, badges and arms.

Guidon, which is smaller than the standard, and which contained generally
just the initials, motto and badge of the owner.

Pennon, a small equilateral triangular flag with the arms or badge of a
bearer, with perhaps a split fly.

Pavon, a simple and early form of pennon, which is a right angle, with the
long side attached to a staff or lance, with just a simple charge or arms.

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