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Re: Query re: A&S/heraldry comp at Pointless

Poster: Mark Schuldenfrei <schuldy@abel.MATH.HARVARD.EDU>

  Reality check #1:  Illusion of armorial ownership.  Armorial ownership
  is a reality in period.  Exclusive ownership is another matter.  We have
  formulated an illusion within the SCA that we have exclusive ownership
  of armory.  Tibor is correct that this obscures the real view of history.

Good statement of part of the problem, Eldred.
  %I have some of the most fun I can have in the Society, when I can act as a
  %period herald acted.  Resolving such disputes in a peaceful and period 
  %style manner seems to me to be the ultimate fun,
  Cool.  That may play well in the East, but I seriously doubt I would survive
  such encounters intact if I tried that here in Southern Atlantia....  Just 
  another d**n stuffy herald...  8^)

Maybe.   If you tried to stuff it down someones throat, it would get you
harmed... as it should.

I think the game of more heraldic style play really took off around here a
few years ago.  Aquel took a vassal, and gave him land to hold, provided he
paid a quarterly rent.  Four times a year, I (as Dhughall's herald) paid
Aquel the rent that was due, in a public and courtly manner, exchanging
gifts and pleasantries.

Gosh, it was fun!  Fun to do, fun to watch, part of the fun that people
wanted to get involved in.  Slowly, people have started to "hire" heralds
(around here) for all sorts of things, and people are having fun with it.
For example, the Eastern Crown courier service for Pennsic was organized, we
held processions for our archers, and heralds were used as messengers to
announce a Laurel vigil: just at Pennsic alone.   We have held some more
authentic tournies (if nothing as jazzy as St Marks has done) and all sorts
of things.

I believe that, rather than being viewed primarily as SCA functionaries,
heralds can be viewed as resources for playing the game better.  There is
talk of doing even more: one of the things that people are considering is
holding faux Judicial Courts, for example.  (This isn't purely a heraldic
function, but since I'm one of the people pushing it...)

We cannot require people to play these games, nor should we.  But we can
help them have fun doing it, and show them the fun they can have with it.
I've been insidious about sharing the fun for years...
  Reality check #2:  The period illusion we attempt to create is not shattered
  by armorial display.  The illusion is shattered when we attempt to
  arbitrate matters in a modern style--which is what seems to happen more
  often than not.

Also well said!
  Torpedoes away!  Well, now that you've scuppered our notion that
  armory must be unique.... 8^)  You now need to change the minds of
  the rocks:  "Armory has been unique in the SCA since day one, and we
  *like* it that way!"  How to change the status quo....education?  Change
  the system under them?  Do you really want to go against the will of
  the people(if you could get a large enough sample of them to respond)
  that wants unique armory for the sake of creating a more period model?
  I'm sure many heralds would like to see a more period model, but alas,
  we are not the majority of the populace, are we?

I cannot (easily) change what people want.  But, I can show them how to have
a better time by learning more about period attitudes, and doing period
things that are pleasant and fun.

This "Mrs. Grundy" stuff about telling other people what arms to bear is not
good for us.  And B*O*R*I*N*G.  Let's have some fun!

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