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Re: United Brotherhood of Assassins, Guild

Poster: kylepup@his.com

At 05:27 PM 9/3/96 -0400, you wrote:
>Poster: Lance Harrop <lharrop@mrj.com>
>Eldred writes:
>> VERY ill-advised posting.  I was under the impression that
>> assassins had been outlawed by the Crowns of Atlantia some
>> years ago.....

The posting is indeed ill-advised as from my reading of it, I could not tell
if the people were sugesting a game or not.  In any event the persons that
posted it could be in a great deal of trouble as the feds might not see it
as a game.  Right or wrong, such a posting can cause a great deal of greff
to the sender.

>???? Would there have ever been a time when assassins were IN-LAWED ????

That would depend on if they were caught or not, or if the king needed them.

>Besides, as long as they dress in period cloths, and behave themselves at 
>events, you can't really outlaw anyone.  Though I suppose it would not be 
>unreasonable to banish any known assassin from the presence of the Crown.
>I think UBAG being silly too...
>				... but lets not get silly back at them.

Kyle DuMatin

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