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Re: Worshipful Company of Assassins
Poster: edh@ascc01.ascc.lucent.com
> > VERY ill-advised posting. I was under the impression that
> > assassins had been outlawed by the Crowns of Atlantia some
> > years ago.....
> >
> ???? Would there have ever been a time when assassins were IN-LAWED ????
What about the Thugs of India?
I think that Calli might know something about them.
> Besides, as long as they dress in period clothes, and behave themselves at
> events, you can't really outlaw anyone. Though I suppose it would not be
> unreasonable to banish any known assassin from the presence of the Crown.
> I think UBAG being silly too...
> ... but lets not get silly back at them.
Hear, hear! I daresay none of us signed up for the Society for
Creative Anachronism, Inc., nor the Merry Rose, for silliness.
-- Alfredo el Bufon
Elvegast, Windmaster's Hill, Atlantia
sil.ly \'sil-e-\ aj [ME sely, silly happy, innocent, pitiable, feeble, fr.
(assumed) OE saelig, fr. OE sael happiness; akin to OHG saelig happy, L
solari to console, Gk hilaros cheerful]
1: HELPLESS, WEAK archaic
2b: lowly in station : HUMBLE
3a: weak in intellect : FOOLISH
3b: contrary to reason : ABSURD
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