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Re: King Escariano's Reply to Tirant

Poster: Karen Elisa Green <kgreen2@osf1.gmu.edu>

After a whole mess of stuff from the adventures of Tirant lo Blanc in 
northern Africa, Alfredo el Bufon wrote:

> * The translator's footnote reveals that this discourse is taken
>   from some earlier source, but I don't have the book on hand.

Neither do I, so at least for today, yer outta luck.  ;)

> * I read of many brave and ancient women (from the bulletin board
>   at work (during Women's History Month)) and I don't recall any
>   of these ladies.  Do you?

Depends ... where do you work?  ;)

> * There is no record in TlB of the Princess of Tlemcen doing much
>   of anything to outshine all these famous women.  Is Escariano
>   throwing piropos?

Definitely ... while a few of the Princess's actions can be qualified as 
"brave" or "stupid," none of them quite match the valor of the 
aforementioned chicks.  ;)  (For thems what haven't read this section of 
TIRANT LO BLANC recently -- Escariano killed the Princess's family a few 
chapters before, and after becoming the book's equivalent of Prester 
John, he and the Princess convert, Tirant rescues Plaerdemavida, and Our 
Hero returns to Constantinople.  But now it's Istanbul, not ... oh, never 
mind.)  ;P
> * Qui e's el cavaller encobert que figura -que hauria de figurar-
>   al colofo' del llibre?

E's Tirant, claro ;P

> * I have finished rereading TlB, and this the last excerpt I will
>   post from it.  There is a rousing speech Tirant makes before setting
>   sail back to Constantinople.  Would someone else care to post it?

Ummm ... is this my cue again?  ;)

I'll bring the book tomorrow, and see what I can manage to upload.

> * Does anyone feel like sharing from another book altogether?

Actually, I was strongly considering posting from what *sounds* like 
another book altogether -- Estefania's discourse on the nature of women.  
You still got yer copy handy, Bufon, or shall I bring mine tomorrow and 
scramble for that section?  ;)

Yours in Service,

Karen Larsdatter med det Usigelige Efternavn fra Skyggedal,
  who finds it very refreshing not to have to delete ALL THOSE HERALDRY 
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