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A note on UBAG #2

Poster: "smith, jason h" <SMITHJH@ed.concord.wvnet.edu>

Greeting all Good gentles!

    Regarding the UBAG discussion. I have discovered where the 
posting on the Rialto came from. W/O naming names, let me just say I 
was deeply troubled when I found out the postings origin. It is being 
dealt with. In response to His Grace Richard Fitzgilbert, yes UBAG 
has and will always seek the pre-approval of any autocrat before 
attempting the activity. In much the same way someone would do if the 
wanted to do anything new at an event, UBAG will differ to the 
Autocrat. I thank His Grace for the words of caution. UBAG does want 
to include a period assassination idea with the sole intent of 
raising money for the Chirurgens. That is UBAGs reason for existing.

In Service to Fair Atlantia,
Ciaran MacGhobhainn
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