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Re: Censorship - Clarification

Poster: Virtual Valkyries <valkyries@jagunet.com>

I don't think anyone was suggesting that this list should be censured.
Rather, that someone (ie. the person that started this thread called
censorship) was interpreting the response to U.B.A.G. as censorship.  My
comment alluding to Duke Aonghus was only to try and help explain _why_ an
ad for assassinations might have been considered tacky from the first post.
Yes, we now know what it is the post was really in referance to.  I don't
think that anyone is confused on what was really meant, at this point.

Victoria Fitzgerald
 * Amy Lindsey & Matthew Severns  *  "She saw Valkyries     *
 * Virtual Valkyries              *  Come from afar         *
 * Web Services                   *  Ready to ride          *
 * birg@jagunet.com               *  To the tribes of god"  *
 * (410)448-4699                  *      - Saemund's Edda   *

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