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Re: Censorship - Clarification

Poster: Bards keep <s0jswelc@atlas.vcu.edu>

> Poster: Virtual Valkyries <valkyries@jagunet.com>
> I don't think anyone was suggesting that this list should be censured.
> Rather, that someone (ie. the person that started this thread called
> censorship) was interpreting the response to U.B.A.G. as censorship. 

     Nope.I never thought that, sorry if it came out that
way."Censorship" as I look back at it was a very bad title,(Gee,
it didn't sound so bad at 4 am :) )I was, in a very befuddled
way, trying to defend the positions of folks like Earl Dafydd, or
the well-bespoken Mistress Branwynn. I certainly didn't mean to
sound out against "censorship" against the U.B.A.G., I think I
shared the same view with Tadhg, that a written compliant, to the
postmaster seemed to be even more SPAM.

Very sorry for any confusion I might have caused

Bryce de Byram

P.s.-Falcone, they DO need salt! ;)

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