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Re: Arabic garb patterns

Poster: teresa marie nava-vaughn <tmn@wam.umd.edu>

Arabic garb is not my forte, but I do have a few sources for pictures of
existing garments (and some patterns).  These should be available to you
via interlibrary loan.  Univ. of Maryland, College Park has them.

Alcolea, S., ed. *Ars Hispaniae: historia universal del arte hispanico*.
Madrid:Editorial Plus-Ultra, 1975.
--Vol. XX has 11th-12th century garments.

The Bulletin of the Needle and Bobbin Club. "The Textiles from Las
Huelgas de Burgos". NY: Ginsburg and Levy, v.35, n.1/2, 1951, p.3-26.
--emphasizes 13th C. needlework, but has actual garments as well.

Tilke, Max. Costume Patterns and Designs. NY: Hastings House, 1974.
--This has some actual photos but is mostly drawings of varing quality.

Costume: Bulletin of the Costume Society of England.  Janet Arnold did a
pattern draft of a 15th caftan. I can't find my copy and, thus, don't know
the vol. number of this.  I can find out if you are interested.

I also have some photocopies of actual garments, but have lost the cover
sheet with the source info.  I'll be in the library today and can get that
info for you.  It includes garments from the Almohad and Nasrid periods.

Celynen of Stow-on-the-Wold

On Wed, 18 Sep 1996, The Davidsons wrote:

> Poster: The Davidsons <paradox@gamewood.net>
> Rosalind plops down on a bench, calls for a goblet of mulled wine, takes a
> sip, and asks the crowd at the tavern - "Good my lords, has anyofe seen a
> fine merchant from Andalusia or the realms of Sal-a-din? My friend Ciaran
> wishes to travel in those parts, and wants me to sew some fine clothing. I
> have yards of lovely material , bought from an Arabic merchant at the War
> (and added to the other yards, and yards, and yards, and...but that is
> another story) but no patterns or directions to make it. If anyofe is
> willing to impart to me the secrets of such clothing, I would be very
> grateful. Else he'll have to be a Celt playing a dombek, which looks not
> right,  and thus makes him a member of the Celtic Jihad (but that also is
> another story). Milord, bring me another glass as well, and I'll use it as
> an excuse to hide from the tyranny of those yards calling to be sewn in time
> for Coronation."
>     -----------------------------------------------------------
>     Rosalind Jehanfe 
>     Paradox Keep in the Shire of Drachentor    
>     Or, a Rose Gules, in Chief Vert Three Suns Or 
>     -----------------------------------------------------------
> =======================================================================
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