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Re: questions about marzipan

Poster: Elisabeth Shyjka <eshyjka@dc.isx.com>

I used to work in a bakery where we used marzipan sculpture to decorate
cakes.  We didn't do anything special to the marzipan.  It usually comes
in a metal or plastic tube just squeeze it out and start using it like
fima or playdough.  The tough part is not letting it get too warm.  It
starts to stick to your fingers.  You can color the marzipan before
molding or paint on the finished figure with food dye.  I have a book at
home about decorating cakes I bet it has more information in it.  I will
check it out this evening.

PS we kept the cakes in a chilled case for up to 5 days with the marzipan
figures on them.  Just be careful of the dye.  If it is to damp it will
begin to bleed.  Most marzipan sculpture doesn't taste all that great
after 2 days because it gets kind of crumbly.

On Wed, 18 Sep 1996, Tanner Lovelace wrote:

> Poster: Tanner Lovelace <lovelace@netcom.com>
> On Tue, 17 Sep 1996, Becky McEllistrem wrote:
> > I was watching some cooking shows and found some ideas for sculpting "fruit" using marzipan. 
> > Basically they were rolling marzipan dough into fruit shapes then using food coloring for the various
> > colors of the items.  I'm not sure this is terribly period but I  was really thrilled with the idea and was 
> > thinking about doing some for various upcoming events.  My main question is how far ahead can
> > you make marzipan items and still have them be edible?  Can you actually do something several 
> > days ahead?  What is the best way to store it?  If you're trying to use molds of some sort for making 
> > people,  are there any good locations for finding said molds?
> I used to live in Spain and marzipan can be found in abundance there.
> I don't know if they used any special preservatives, but I never once
> had any problem with keeping marzipan around for a week or so.
> In service,
> Kendrick
> ---
>              |                     lovelace@netcom.com      
>              |\                       Arlington, VA
>  8*<%%%%%%%%%|+>-===================================================-----
>              |/      Per chevron argent and azure, a wolf passant 
>              |     sable between three compass roses counterchanged.
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