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Re: armor for sale

Poster: Logan and Arielle <logan123@charlotte.infi.net>

MarsaliFox@aol.com wrote:
> Poster: MarsaliFox@aol.com
> Unto the good gentles of the Merry Rose, I offer the following for sale:
> -elbows of hand hammered aluminum with attached vambraces of leather, lined
> in shearling. (black trimmed in red)
> -knees of hand hammered aluminum with atteched lames of leather, lined in
> shearling.  (black trimmed in red)
> -knees of spun steel with attached lames of leather, lined in shearling.
> (black trimmed in white)
> -helm, spun steel top, cage front (cage lifts)
> -two leather gorgets, lined in shearling (both black, one trimmed in red, the
> other in white)
>  (armor fits fighter .............

could you send Me a privat email with some idea of what kind of money 
your looking for?

HRH Sir Logan
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