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Re: MR: Was Richard maligned?

Poster: Razmus the Innocent <azrael@access.digex.net>

I had always assumed it was assumed that Richard III WASN'T really
malformed as Shakespeare and Sir Thomas Moore would have folks
believe.  Something about these two gentles working for Elizabeth and
Henry of a competing lineage...  (I can never keep the Tutors,
Lancasters, etc...

Ummm... ditto about Richard killing off his two little nephews.  Never
happened, nope, sorry.

> Poster: edh@ascc01.ascc.lucent.com (Alfredo el Bufon)
> This may be a controversial point of view, and I admit I
> have no first-hand knowledge one way or another, but...
> If Richard III had a "whithered arm", as William
> Shakespeare claims, how could he fight on horseback?
> Wouldn't he need one hand for the reins and another
> for his sword?  And Shakespeare is mistaken on that
> score, mightn't he be wrong also about Richard being
> hunchbacked, and about certain words and actions
> that he attributes to Richard which would tend to
> impugn his character?
> Or am I mistaken about needing two hands to fight
> on horseback?
> -- Alfredo
> Alfredo el Bufon
> Elvegast, Windmaster's Hill, Atlantia
> edh@ascc01.ascc.lucent.com
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               Rasimus der Weiss | Rasmus d'Obscurite
             Razmus the Innocent | Rich Weissler
           (h)azrael@access.digex.net, (w)razmus@crown.com
   *****  Fools rush in where fools have been before.  *****
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