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RE: (fwd) From Edmund, Kateryn, Bjorn, Morgen, & Anne

Poster: Louise Sugar <dragonfyr@tycho.com>

Corun, I am interested in what has transpired....would you perhaps forward to me the archive so I may have the opportunity to make up my own mind from firsthand information?


From: 	Corun MacAnndra[SMTP:corun@access.digex.net]

For those who are truly interested in this issue, I have archived all
the mail Her Grace has posted to the Rialto, and further I have a letter
posted there by Cian Khan of the Dark Horde detailing his direct experience
with Their Majesties. To continue this discussion based on second and
third hand mis-information though is both pointless and unchartible to
those who were involved.

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