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Re: (fwd) From Edmund, Kateryn, Bjorn, Morgen, & Anne

Poster: Mikhail <we4@widomaker.com>

At 04:40 PM 10/1/96 EST, you wrote:
>Poster: "Chuck Graves" <chuck_graves@mail.hq.faa.gov>
>     Greetings,
>     While the effort seems noble, I fear I must reserve my praises.     
>     This sad chapter is not closed until the sentiment is reflected by the 
>     two Khans. As yet, that message is missing two important signatures.

>     Tadhg
With all due respect.
The issue of banishment had nothing to do with the Dark Horde or the Moritu.
This is a matter that the involved have settled.

Now the healing can start.

Mikhail the Armorer
Tarkhan Khanate Bright Hawk
Great Household of the Dark Horde

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