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Re: MR: Was Richard maligned?

Poster: Corun MacAnndra <corun@access.digex.net>

Alfredo wrote:
>Or am I mistaken about needing two hands to fight
>on horseback?

In the main (no pun intended...really Achbar), you are mistaken about
needing two hands to ride a horse. This was proven by the ancient Scythians,
precursors to the Mongols and the many other nomadic tribes of Eurasia. It
takes two hands to draw and fire a bow, and if you're doing this from the
back of a moving horse, you control the horse with your legs. The Mongols
were quite adept at doing this. In fact, they still are, as are the Cossacks
(no relation to the Kazaks, another nomadic tribe related to the Mongols,
Buryats, Kalmuks, etc.) and the Native American tribes who did not have
horses until the Spaniards came to this continent.

As for Richard III being maligned, you should check out the Richard III
Society. They have a web site that is quite interesting. Historians have for
years wondered if the allegations of Richards deformities were true, as well
as his alleged murdering of the Princes in the Tower. The URL for the
Richard III Society web page is;


In service,

   Corun MacAnndra   | Porcellus fori; Porcellus domi; Porcellus carnivorus;
 Dark Horde by birth |    Porcellus non voratus; Porcellus plorans domum.
   Moritu by choice  |  				Mater Goose

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