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Re: Changes to law regarding tax-exempts lik

Poster: Mark Schuldenfrei <schuldy@abel.MATH.HARVARD.EDU>

  I read that the recent Taxpayer Bill of Rights, signed in July, requires tax 
  exempt organizations to have a copy of their Form 990 available for 
  inspection by any individual at their principal office during regular 
  business hours.  If there are several offices, the form must be available 
  wherever there are three or more employees.

This was law long before July of this year.
  Okay, clearly this means a copy available for inspection at the CA office; I 
  haven't seen the actual language of the law to know whether the "three 
  employees" is meant literally, in which case the SCA, Inc. probably only has 
  one office, or whether volunteers count (if the organization is largely 
  volunteer run).

Only where the paid officers are.
  Is there someone out there keeping track of this sort of stuff for us?

I have copies from 1989 forward in my house, does that count?  (Along with the
CT2 forms, and a few others.)

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