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Re: MR: Latin pigs

Poster: Stephanie Malone Thorson <smt2@st-andrews.ac.uk>

Says Alanna:

> Gentle Nobles:
> In recent postings, the esteemed Baron Storvik has ended his missives thusly:
> >===============================================================================
> >   Corun MacAnndra   | Porcellus fori; Porcellus domi; Porcellus carnivorus;
> > Dark Horde by birth |    Porcellus non voratus; Porcellus plorans domum.
> >   Moritu by choice  |  				Mater Goose
> >
> >=======================================================================
> Fellow scholars, I will admit that my study of Latin was many years ago in a
> far kingdom, but it seems to me that an error has gone overlooked in the
> above verse.  Should not the final 'Porcellus' be in fact 'Porcellissimus'?

Only if that last piggie is the littlest pig of all.  Yes, I know the last
toe is the smallest, but the verse I know says only that all piggies are
little, and does not assign any special smallness to the last.  I think
one could also argue that "porcellissimus" will not scan, either - not
that the rest of it does very well, but maintaining the final "porcellus"
lends a certain balance to the whole thing. 

In my own defence, the translation above is not my own, but was submitted
by another (in a moment of extreme sillyness) to a professional list I
read.  In its defence, it was not proffered as a nursery rhyme, but as a
proposed set of Latin names for the toes (as there are Latin names for all
the fingers).  I forwarded it to Corun for his amusement and he put it in
his .sig.  And that, my friends, is the whole sordid story. 

(who spent the morning in the Patrologia Latina and is tired)
Stephanie M. Thorson			*  SCA: Lady Alianora Munro
University of St Andrews		*  
St Andrews, Scotland			*  Clan White Wing
email smt2@st-andrews.ac.uk		*  Tarkhan, Khanate Red Lion

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