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Re: War horses (was RE: How Mil Specs Live Forever)

Poster: Matthew Allen Newsome <mnewsome@warren-wilson.edu>

> One of my favorite 'historical myths' is the alleged effectiveness of the
> war chariot as a weapon system. Hollywood not withstanding, no hero who
> ever wore armour could effectively wield a sword or a bow from an unsprung
> vehicle moving at any speed over unpaved ground. As a way to make a big
> entrance onto the battlefield, you can't beat a chariot. But if you want to
> actually fight somebody, dismount and go for it.
> Your servant,
> Aelfgar
 As did the ancient Celts.  The champions of an army would ride their
chariots onto the feild, pass back and forth trying to look as bold and
threatening as they could, dismount, and then fight.  The chariots were
more for display.

(who took three years of classes in Classical Latin and Roman culture, and
reads books on Celtic history on his own-- which do you think he

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