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Re: Bog dresses

Poster: genie@vt.edu (Genie Powell)

That would depend on the style of the "bog dress."  I've heard of several
interpretations of the term.  
I have a sleeveless quasi-coathardie-thing  made out of an old white flannel
sheet that keeps me warm and can be worn under a lot of garb.
Are you planning on wearing viking/saxon garb?
You could wear the bog dress and then cover it with a heavy weight tube dress.
It's the viking dress that's basically a huge sheet sewn into a tube and
pinned at the shoulders with brooches.  If you line it and throw a spiff
necklace on, it looks rather stylish.  And if it gets muddy, you simply
adjut the overfold so the tube comes only to your knees.
Just some suggestions.

Isabel Chauliac d'Avignon
>In preparation for the upcoming Saxon Violence event here in Storvik, I'm 
>curious to know what one wears under a bog dress (it's going to be cold, you 

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