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Re: Acorn on the web

Poster: angharad melys <lisa@privnet.com>


can we say "tempest in a teakettle?" :)

the web, like most of the internet, is a free-for-all.  if people WANT to
have an official website, and they WANT to get warranted, they will.  if
they don't, they'll build their own websites and put up whatever
information they have at hand. if people find the official websites
useful, they'll visit the official websites.  if people find the
unofficial websites useful - well, gee, i doubt they'll avoid a site just
because it doesn't have the Atlantian WebMinistry Seal of Approval...

(besides, i somehow don't think that overnight we're going to sprout a
crop of "web police" going around saying "you aren't a warranted
WebMinister(tm), take your site down or face Our Wrath" - and even if we
did, i suspect that they'd be met with the appropriate degree of scorn
and/or indifference.)

consider approaching the web minister concept as a RESOURCE, rather than
"just another layer of bureaucracy" - groups who don't have a web page
will have a visible, distinct presence on the kingdom level to offer
advice on how to build one, where to have it hosted, what to put on it,
etc.  as long as it's ADVICE, and not holy writ, i'd consider that a
service.  and within a group, people will have a distinct point of contact
for website-related questions - awfully useful when you want to post a
change of site for an event !!ASAP!! and are racking your brain to
remember which geek you need to find... *grin*

the way i see it, a "web ministry" is not like chirurgeoning, where there
are medical (and legal?) reasons to require a warrant.  and it's not
likely heraldry, where there needs to be a system because submissions have
to be passed up the line in SOME sort of order. (anyone who tries to
tangent off onto what's wrong with the college of heralds will be emailed
a clue.)  it's like arts and sciences...  where the a&s minister
COORDINATES a&s activities, but everyone pursues their own art or science
in their own way.  

lord gregory blount currently administers a kingdom of atlantia home page
(with style and grace, i might add.)  if someone creates a separate,
"official" kingdom of atlantia home page, the only negative side effect i
can imagine is that i use up an extra 3 bytes of space keeping 2 bookmarks
instead of just one... 

i like the idea of a support system for getting atlantian info on the web. 
and i really like the idea of visible, designated points of contact for
webstuff in groups - maybe it'll get more people involved in creating web
pages. :)  rabah is offering us an OPTION here, folks; those who wish to
take advantage of it, will.  those who don't are unlikely to be affected. 
hopefully the ultimate result will redound to the glory (and the
connectedness) of our fair kingdom, which i assume was rabah's intent
from the beginning...

						in service, and wondering
						where that soapbox came 


angharad melys, scholar
sacred stone / windmaster's hill, atlantia

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