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Re: Acorn on the Web

Poster: John Strauss <jstrauss@gmu.edu>

I'm glad to see the Acorn on the Web. And I'm glad to see the 
proliferation of local group web pages. They are wonderful things and
I'm grateful to the folks who set them up and maintain them.

But we DON'T need yet another layer of officers and warrants and reports. 

In that the web stuff is doing okay without it, why not just have "free 
range" webmasters? Why administrate when no administration is called for?

I'm sure that only good is meant in doing this; but I suspect the 
question of "Is this extra bureaucracy needed?" has not been asked.

|      John Strauss             |      aka Henry Best          |
|      jstrauss@gmu.edu         |      henry@poboxes.com       |
| "People don't quit playing because they grow old. They grow  |
|  old because they quit playing."     -Oliver Wendell Holmes  |

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