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Re: Acorn on the Web

Poster: Corun MacAnndra <corun@access.digex.net>

Henry wrote:
>Poster: John Strauss <jstrauss@gmu.edu>
>I'm glad to see the Acorn on the Web. And I'm glad to see the 
>proliferation of local group web pages. They are wonderful things and
>I'm grateful to the folks who set them up and maintain them.
>But we DON'T need yet another layer of officers and warrants and reports. 

Then Robyyan wrote:

>Poster: "Robyyan Torr d'Elandris" <robyyan@pop.mindspring.com>
>Rabah, please don't.  As soon as you set up a warranting system for 
>electronic chroniclers, you open the door for some group to think 
>they're in danger of being forcibly dissolved two years down the road 
>because they don't have a canton web page.  There's too much 
>Bureaucrappy already - please don't try to make web activities 

Before we start telling Rabah what we think he ought to do, I think it best
that we know something first. I heard this afternoon that, apparently, he
and every other kingdom Chronicler have been asked by the Society Chronicler
to do this. THink about it a second before your anti-beaureaucracy glands
kick in. What is the Acorn? It is an official publication of the Kingdom of
(your name here), SCA, Inc. It says so on the inside of every issue you get.
It is my understanding (and I will admit to second hand knowledge here, so
take this at face value, if I'm wrong, we'll find out soon enough), that the
Society Chronicler wants to make sure that web sites for kingdoms are also
"official publications". Why? At a guess I'd say legal hassles, the first
bastion of today's society (and I mean mundane society folks). People will
sue over the stupidest things at the drop of a hat. Also, there may be
copyright issues. "Over event announcements?" I hear you say. Well, probably
not, but there could be other issues along those lines. Anyway, let's just
chill a bit. Let's not jump on Rabah until we've heard more from him, and
let's certainly not tell him his job. I think he knows it well enough on his
own. If he want to institute warrants for web owners, that's his business
until either Their Majesties say something about it, or until he steps down
and the next KC changes things. That's the great thing about change, folks.
It's one of the great constants of the universe.

In service,
Corun MacAnndra
Baron Storvik, Atlantia

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