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Re: From the Horse's Mouth

Poster: "Robyyan Torr d'Elandris" <robyyan@pop.mindspring.com>

Henry Best wrote:

> 	I have _NO_ problems with anything _YOU_ want to do. I have no 
> concerns about any policies _YOU_ will be implementing during your time 
> as KC. My trust in you is absolute, though I sometimes am tempted to make 
> you recount your cards. Sometimes your luck seems to exceed house 
> percentage....
> 	But you won't be the KC forever. Institutions behave differently, 
> over time, than the individuals who run them in succession. 
> 	If left alone, institutional bureaucracies grow. A harmless thing 
> implemented by one person becomes an onerous and oppressive policy three 
> or four persons later, more often than not.
> 	If you are absolutely certain that you will never have to say,
> years from now, "Gosh, I can't believe what the KC is doing. That wasn't
> how I meant things to go." then well and good. 
> 	I did my duty: I had some concerns and I raised them, as clearly and 
> succinctly as I know how. Having heard them fairly, please proceed.
> 			Your friend,
> 					Henry

And I'm taking the highly unusual (for me) step of reposting it in
my reply, because its worth it to see it again.  This is scary, and
I'm sort of nervous to admit it, but I'm in total and complete
agreement with Henry on this.

Hope this doesn't mean my ankles are about to be designated 
"dangerous"... :-)

Robyyan Torr d'Elandris                         Dennis R. Sherman
Kapellenberg, Windmaster's Hill, Atlantia         Chapel Hill, NC
robyyan@mindspring.com              dennis.sherman@mindspring.com
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