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Re: Yeah for US!! (YKTCPIARI)

Poster: Stephanie Malone Thorson <smt2@st-andrews.ac.uk>

For Eogan and Alanna, who asked:

The best reading in medieval chronicles is just to find them and read
them!  There are some nice annotated translations of the chronicles of
Matthew Paris and Bede for instance, likewise there is a Penguin
translation of Froissart, and a quick trip through a university library
would turn up many more.  I don't normally recommend Penguin translations
as in my experience they tend to play it pretty fast and loose with the
text. But they are inexpensive and easy to find.  I've been much more
impressed with the quality of the translations in Everyman editions, if
you can track those down. (People in the D.C. area should check out the
Borders at 18th or 19th and L, near Farragut North Metro - they usually
have a good selection of the Everyman translations). 

For Scottish chroniclers in particular, things are a bit more tricky, as
most of the editions are fairly old and didn't come out for mass
audiences.  A goodly number were published by the Scottish Text Society (a
nearly moribund institution) and the Scottish History Society
(considerably more vigorous).  I can track down a contact address for the
latter if there's interest.  A new bilingual (Latin with facing English
translation) edition of Walter Bower's Scotichronicon has just been
published in the last few years, and is lovely, but is not a lightweight
purchase, as there are 9 volumes, and it was running about 30 pounds
(that's British Pounds Sterling -- currency, not weight) per volume (about
$50, depending on the exchange rate).

As for the story I recounted, it comes from a chronicle on which I'm
presently working. It's not yet been published (although I hope to change
that), so it'll be a little hard to look up just now, unless you happen to
be in Edinburgh and have a reader's card for the manuscript room at the
National Library of Scotland, in which case it's NLS MS 1746. :) If people
are interested in the original though, I can dig the relevant section out
of my typescript and post/send in email, depending in the amount of
interest in the group at large. 

Stephanie M. Thorson			*  SCA: Lady Alianora Munro
University of St Andrews		*  
St Andrews, Scotland			*  Clan White Wing
email smt2@st-andrews.ac.uk		*  Tarkhan, Khanate Red Lion

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