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Re: Homage and Fealty

Poster: Dave Montuori <damont@wolfstar.com>

Scripsit Mordrea:
> Tibor, Please, twist not what I have said....

I do not think he was; but more on that later.

> I restate, that in my experience in the SCA we give fealty... we hold in
> great honour and esteem those to whom we have given our fealty, but, at
> least for me, I do much more than give/show "esteem shown one as due or
> claimed by one as a right," thus homage is incorrect... I am in FEALTY.

The problem here is that Tibor is using a different definition of "homage"
and "fealty" than you are; and in this case, his definitions are more
suited to the SCA's period of study. What the typical SCA approtesquire
exchanges with his/her teacher looks more like period homage than period
fealty; your mileage may vary.


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