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RE: atlantia V1 #143

Poster: Gregory Stapleton <gregsta@MICROSOFT.com>

Well spoke. :)

>From: 	Janet Toney/Terry Neill[SMTP:71035.3227@CompuServe.COM]
>Sent: 	Thursday, October 17, 1996 10:36 PM
>To: 	Atlantia
>Subject: 	Re: atlantia V1 #143
>Poster: Janet Toney/Terry Neill <71035.3227@CompuServe.COM>
>An even better idea is to take this responsibility upon one's self.  It is
>responsibility of *everyone* in the SCA, from Dutchess Sir Mistress, Mistress
>Dinosaur, a.l.p.h.a.b.e.t. to Neddie Newby, to write letters of
>for people they see performing arts, service, fighting or otherwise
>the qualities that deserve award.
><snip excellent body text for brevity>
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