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Re: Ceremonies of property transfer

Poster: Lance Harrop <lharrop@mrj.com>

Lord Alfredo writes,

> I imagine that the children would have to be volunteers, or rather
> be volunteered by their parents, motivated by the honor of the position,
> or some sort of consideration.  Using more than one child is a good way
> to increase the chances of a witness being around when you need one,
> but I don't think you should use _all_ the children to witness one
> ceremony, because there's got to be a limit to the number of such
> ceremonies a child could retain before events start blurring together.

I have my suspicions about this whole tread, but...

I suppose one way you could ensure that children would volunteer for such 
a position is to guarrentee them a place at the table of the landholder 
during one or more feast days.  Thereby the landholder could afirm his 
claim by being able to produce his witness on the spot.  Not to mention 
the kid is more likely to live if he gets a good meal once and awhile.

..totally unresearched and a-historical.

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