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Re: Medaeval Research web sites

Poster: Stephanie Malone Thorson <smt2@st-andrews.ac.uk>

Writes Gregory Blount in response to Corun's post:

> > Many of the links pertain to ancient history, however one of the links 
> > I came across related specifically to medaeval research was the following;
> > 
> > http://www.georgetown.edu/labyrinth/labyrinth-home.html
> This is an excellent site, but you generallly have to wade around a
> bit to find something interesting.

That depends on how you define interesting.  The Labyrinth was set up by
and for professional mediaevalists working in the fields of history and
literature (with all their subdisciplines). The things professional
scholars need to find are not necessarily the kinds of things SCA folk go
looking for when they want to start an A&S project.  I use the Labyrinth
as a base point to connect to the CCAT archive at UPenn (for the
searchable Latin Vulgate Bible), or to read the job listings in the online
version of the Chronicle of Higher Education, or to search the CANTUS
database at CUA for a particular Incipit.

The Labyrinth is pretty coherently organised by languages, cultures, and
disciplines.  For SCA people just looking for something "interesting", it
has links to goodies the Electronic Beowulf Project, and a number of art
history sites which have nice graphics.  If you can actually read some
mediaeval languages, the Bookshelves will be of interest.  But it's not an
SCA-style A&S Web site, and won't behave like one.  Different audience, 
different function.

Stephanie M. Thorson			*  SCA: Lady Alianora Munro
University of St Andrews		*  
St Andrews, Scotland			*  Clan White Wing
email smt2@st-andrews.ac.uk		*  Tarkhan, Khanate Red Lion

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