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Our Condolences

Poster: Jamie Baker <103172.3205@CompuServe.COM>

Viscount Sir Eric von Steinhause & Viscountess Fiona von Steinhause
posting from Master Duncan Vitrarius - West Kingdom Senechal's Account

To Tracy, Cama, Alex and the rest of our SCA Family

At this time we wish to express our deepest sympathies to you and your families.
Your Loss is truly felt in our family. If you have any needs, please contact us

(707) 546 7442 
or write to us at 
1157 Piner Creek Drive, 
Santa Rosa CA 95401

To Akbar Ibin Ali & Finn O'Shannon please feel free to call us. Your Loss is
also ours and we grieve with you at the loss of a fellow family member.

If possible could someone please contact us in regards to Memorial Service
arrangements as to when and where ie: an address of the site. We wish to send
along something to the families and friends.

In Service and with Heartfelt Grief,

Viscount Sir Eric von Steinhause
Viscountess Fiona von Steinhause
Aaron & Eileen von Steinhause
Hans and Rowena von Steinhause

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