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Our Deepest Sympathies

Poster: Jamie Baker <103172.3205@CompuServe.COM>

Unto the Kindom of Atlantia, Friends and Family.

Please allow My Lady and I to send our heartfelt sympathies and regrets to you,
your SCA Family 
and the Modern families of those you so tragically lost this last weekend.

Though neither Moira or myself never knew either person we both grieve with you
at your loss.
We have come to consider the SCA very much our hometown  & Chosen Family and
your loss is felt deeply. I can think of nothing to say that can express our
Sorrow at you loss.Please know that our thoughts and Hearts are with you in this
time of need.

In Service,

Master Duncan Vitrarius 
West Kingdom Seneschal

Lady Moira Ramsay

P.S. As I am not a member of your list, I am in close contact with Sir Eric von
Steinhause formerly of the Kingdom of Atlantia. If there are those of you who
wish to contact Eric and his family please feel free to E-Mail them to this
address an I will make sure they receive all missives.

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