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Re: Letters and such.

Poster: Mark Schuldenfrei <schuldy@abel.MATH.HARVARD.EDU>

  I have a question.  What do we do when we're in the somewhat sticky area of
  being related to someone who we think deserves recognition for their work?

Write, and mention the relationship.  To follow your concept to an ultimately
ridiculous conclusion, we would be reduced to writing letters of recommendation
only for people we don't know fully, or those that aren't particularly fond
of... (:-)  (Reductio ad absudam, thanks).

I have no problem introducing a letter with "I take this opportunity to write
to you in praise of my good friend/deputy/vassal/master/wife/overlord or
whatever, Fred the Fine.  I have known Fred for many years, and think very well
of him.  I'd like to suggest to you that Fred is probably well suited for the
Order of the Spiked Artichoke, for reasons which all his close associates know

What's the problem with that?

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