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Re: Letters and such.

Poster: homan@nando.net (Fred Homan)

> Poster: Matthew Allen Newsome <mnewsome@warren-wilson.edu>
> I think that it is also important to mention that letters of 
> reccomendation are ALWAYS a good thing.  If you think you should, DO.  
> good work.  Never assume that your good words are not needed, or won't be 
> appreciated.  Doing that is what leads to people serving the Society for 
> 25 years and not being recognized for it (oh, she isn't already a 
> Laurel... who knew?)

I have a question.  What do we do when we're in the somewhat sticky area of
being related to someone who we think deserves recognition for their work?
Go ahead and write the letter anyway, fully realising that the letter may be
tossed for being biased?  Try to convince someone not related to write the
letter instead?  Just not worry about it and figure someone else will do it?
Considering the fact that we have to encourage people to write letters, I
think we may safely rule out the last, but what about it?  Ideas?  (Yes, this
is currently a hypothetical but may not be for too much longer...)

Aedric the Green				IKA Fred Op
Canton of Elvegast, Windmaster's Hill		homan@nando.net
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