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Letters and such.

Poster: Matthew Allen Newsome <mnewsome@warren-wilson.edu>

This recent thread on letter writing has got my mind going again (uh-oh!)
I think that it is also important to mention that letters of 
reccomendation are ALWAYS a good thing.  If you think you should, DO.  
Don't neglect to write one because you already assume that so-and-so has 
an AoA, Pelican, Cookie, etc.  I'm sure if His Royal Majesty Highness gets a 
letter recommending Duke Sir Master Dafydd, L.M.N.O.P, for his Award of 
Arms, no one will get offended.  It just shows that Dafydd is still doing 
good work.  Never assume that your good words are not needed, or won't be 
appreciated.  Doing that is what leads to people serving the Society for 
25 years and not being recognized for it (oh, she isn't already a 
Laurel... who knew?)
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