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Poster: redline@shore.intercom.net (Stephen Mumford)

Greetings and Salutations.

I am fairly new to the SCA, and I have seen Atlantia referred to, in
addition to the full states, 'minus a part of Virgina, and plus a part of

Well, I'm currently working on a map of Atlantia for my Canton's* website
(and for our own reference), and I was wondering exactly what those little
bits we do and don't have are -- all of the maps I've seen are of too low a
resolution to show any discrepancies with the 'legal' maps of the area.

Any asssistace would be greatly appreciated.

By your leave,
Julienn de Montfort (tenative Society name pending further research ;-> )

* Spiaggia Levantina, in case you're wondering. :-)

- Redline


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