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Re: HRM Subtitles <grin>

Poster: Corun MacAnndra <corun@access.digex.net>

Lord Aelfgar the Opinionated writes:
> His Majesty writes:
> > HRM Sir Logan Ebonwoulfe KSCA, CSS, Scholar, Grand Muckety Muck
> > 
> > Standard Disclaimer applies, so don't give Me no poo-poo
> With respect, Majesty, I believe the proper (!) form of that last title is
> Lord High Muckety Muck. If I remember my reading of Wilson's _Complete
> Compendium of Absurd Titles_ correctly, the honorific _Grand_ is reserved
> for the title _Grand Poobah_ or anything beginning with _Great, Grand and
> Glorious_.

Apparently Lord Aelfgar either didn't see or chose to ignore His Majesty's
Standard Disclaimer at the end of His missive. No poo-poo for the Poobah.

> Your Servant (who has no expectation of getting away with this),

And you were right.

> Lord Aelfgar GreySeas, OYB,OUB,OUB (yes, they're different - not my fault)
> A Lochmere Archer, and pretty pleased about it.
> (Lochmere's opinion may be somewhat mixed - who can tell?)

Your Majesty, if I may, as one of Your Barons, suggest that Lord Alefgar,
being very fond of the trappings of Court, is really trying to suck up
to You here for yet another Absurd Award (the OUB and the OUB, respectively).
Therefore it would certainly be within Your Right to think up something
exceedingly supercilious (say that three times real fast...I know, that,
that, that....sheesh) with which to burden.....I mean reward Lord Aelfgar
for so magnanimously bringing to your attention the Proper and Correct 
Usage<tm> of the title Grand (copyright 1997, Muckety Mucks, Inc.).

In service,

   Corun MacAnndra   |			They also serve
 Dark Horde by birth |		     who only lurk and pry
   Moritu by choice  |					Dark Horde Proverb
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