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Re: Crown Tourney And Farewells!

Poster: Tom Brady <duncan@technomancer.com>

On Thu, 31 Oct 1996, Lady Mordeyrn Tremayne did write:
> The feast is to be potluck and coordinated by Duchess Lorna
> of Leeds. If you are intending to bring something, please contact her at (704)
> 989-5119 to insure we have a sampling of foodstuffs.

A minor correction: the correct telephone number for Duchess Lorna is
(540) 989-5119.

In service, and looking forward to this weekend,

Tom Brady   duncan@technomancer.com  SCA: Duncan MacKinnon of Tobermory
 See my web pages for links to the Society for Creative Anachronism and 
      gay and lesbian info: http://www.technomancer.com/~duncan/

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