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Re: smoking escort

Poster: Dexter Guptill <dguptil@erols.com>

At 04:53 PM 11/14/96 -0500, Alfredo el Bufon wrote:
>I knew a guy from Settmour Swamp who had a smoking Escort.
>I think it needed a ring job.

Might have been the ignition switch. I joined AFFO (the Association of
Flaming Ford Owners) last October. Now, I could live with the car catching
fire at 0130, 3-1/2 hours after I parked it. I could handle hastily
unloading the 8 cans of black powder I'd picked up that weekend. I even
faced with aplomb being told by Ford that they couldn't do anything about it
because the car was out of warranty. What really horked me off was getting a
recall notice THIS YEAR, saying that I should get my ignition switch checked
because my car might burn. I called and told them it had. Then they said
that they couldn't do anything for me because I NO LONGER OWNED THE @#$% CAR

I drive a Geo, now. With the back seats down, it will even hold my spear and
polearm. I am NEVER going to buy another Ford. 

ObMedieval/Atlantia: Cops / firemen were looking at the smoke/fire damaged
clutter in the back of the Escort. One cop spotted my dagger and pouch and
said "Naow, THAT's a Knoife... Reenactor, eh?". Another looked in, saw the
armor, and said "Oh. He's one of those medieval guys that practices in Falls
Church on Sundays". It's nice to live where you can have armor and weapons
in the car and not be thought a kook.

***Dexter C. Guptill, Computer Services, American Federation of Teachers
***Member, 49th VA Vol. Inf, CSA (N-SSA), Hampden's Regiment of Foote (ECW)
***SCA: Ld. Erich von Kleinfeld, Stierbach, Atlantia
***DISCLAIMER: This is me, not AFT. They'd freak over some of my opinions :)

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