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Poster: Matthew Allen Newsome <mnewsome@warren-wilson.edu>

As I may have mentioned before, I mundanely work in a school library, and 
we just got in a book today that many of you might find interesting.
Brown, Michelle P., _Understanding Illuminated manuscripts; a guide to 
technical terms_. The J. Paul Getty Museum, Malibu, CA; 1994
ISBN 0-89236-217-0

I'm a little confused about where it is published.  It says published by 
The J. Paul Getty museum, IN ASSOCIATION WITH the British Museum, PRINTED 
IN Italy.  Go fig.  
Anyway, it is basically a glossary of illumination terms, like breviary, 
antiphonal, incipit, etc.  It has 56 color illustrations, and 31 B&W 
illustrations.  I found it very informative, and I reccomend it to anyone 
with a passing interest in illuminations (or a serious nterest, for that 
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