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Re: Stone of Scone

Poster: Stephanie Malone Thorson <smt2@st-andrews.ac.uk>

> Poster: Matthew Allen Newsome <mnewsome@warren-wilson.edu>

> > coronation stone.  Legend had it that it was Jacob's Pillow which the 
> > crusaders brought from Palestine to Ireland where it was presented to St. 
> > Columba on Iona.  
> Crusaders....  that brings to mind 11th century.  St. Columba...  that 
> sounds like 5th Century...  Am I wrong, or is this article wrong?

The article is *very* wrong on this point.  According to the legend, the
Stone was brought from Egypt by Gathelos and Scota (a daughter of Pharaoh
and the eponymous ancestress of the Scots) when they fled that country in
the wake of the Exodus of the Israelites (in some versions Scota was the
daughter of Pharaoh who rescued the infant Moses).  They first fled to
Spain, where their descendants endured considerable hardships, and finally
migrated to Ireland (taking the Stone with them), from whence they
traveled on to Scotland.  The Stone was moved from Ireland to Albion
(later Scotland) under Fergus I (probably wholly legendary) before the
birth of Christ and resided in Argyll until the union of the Scottish and
Pictish kingdoms under Kenneth I (MacAlpin), who moved it to Scone. 

Stephanie M. Thorson			*  SCA: Lady Alianora Munro
University of St Andrews		*  
St Andrews, Scotland			*  Clan White Wing
email smt2@st-andrews.ac.uk		*  Tarkhan, Khanate Red Lion

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