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deperately seeking m.o.l.

Poster: Richard Markman <jager@csra.net>

To the good people of Atlantia does Ld. Robert the Forgotten send 
	Help! I will be autocrating an event here in Augusta Ga. on March 
22-23 1997 and mt M.O.L has just informed me that she will not be able to 
run the list. I am deperately in search of one or two M.O.L. to help run 
the list. There are two shier members who wish to become MOL's but have 
never run a list. So, whoever wishes to be in charge will have plenty of 
help. Any who wish to help will be guests of the shier and the event 
charge will be waived. Any who wish to run the list please contact me at 
this e-mail or (803) 279-4169.  Thanks.					
					In Service Always,		
					Robert >>------->

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