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Re: Penny Whistles

Poster: edh@ascc01.ascc.lucent.com (Alfredo el Bufon)

Writes Lady Alianora Munro:

> Most modern penny whistles are made of some combination of metal and
> plastic and are keyed in D; if you can get a *wooden* penny whistle keyed
> in C (such things exist, I have seen them) you will have something fairly
> close to a medieval flute.

This reminds me of something a mundane co-worker once told me years ago:

   I had a wooden whistle,
   But it wooden whistle.
   So I got a steel whistle,
   But it steel wooden whistle.
   Then I got a tin whistle,
   And now I tin whistle.

I think that's better than any tortured story I could make about
a penny whistle made of nickel keeping dime in close quarters.

-- Alfredo
Alfredo el Bufon
Elvegast, Windmaster's Hill, Atlantia

Into Tuskane he turnes  when thus wel timed,
Takes townes full tite  with towres full high;
Walles he welt down,  wounded knightes,
Towres he turnes,  and tourmentes the pople,
Wrought widowes full wlonk  wrotherayle singen,
Oft werye and weep  and wringen their handes;
And all he wastes with war  there he away rides;
Their welthes and their wonninges  wandreth he wrought!
    -- Alliterative Morte Arthure

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